The impact of sleep deprivation on our health

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Many factors can influence our health, but we are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sleep. It varies with individuals, but most of us need roughly eight hours of sleep every night to function the following day; however, research has revealed that up to a third of us aren’t getting enough quality sleep.

We all know the lethargy, irritability, and low energy of not getting enough sleep. Now that science is supporting the importance of getting a full night’s sleep, people are becoming increasingly aware of the options available for improving their sleep quality, such as weighing up the merits of Tencel vs. bamboo mattresses and researching to compare specs on the best sleep accessories.

Although many people understand that sleep is essential, it can still be surprising to discover how many areas of our health can be affected negatively if we don’t get enough sleep regularly.

Lowered immunity

If you happen to be one of those individuals with the bad luck to catch all the viruses, colds, and flu bugs, it may be that lack of sleep plays a part in your vulnerability. While sleeping, your immune system is being replenand restored. Still, if you don’t give your system enough time to repair itself, you could leave yourself vulnerable to various infections and viruses.

Increasing weight

Another surprising effect of insufficient sleep is the increased risk of putting on weight. Some studies show that people who regularly have fewer than seven hours of sleep are more likely to put on weight than others and are more likely to be obese. One of the reasons for this has to do with two chemicals called ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin promotes feelings of hunger and is present in higher quantities if you don’t get enough sleep, while leptin, which can help you feel full, is produced while you sleep. So, if you are struggling to keep your weight under control, it could be worth trying to improve your sleep quality and duration.

Declining mental health

Most of us have experienced those feelings of crankiness, lack of energy, and irascibility associated with occasionally not getting enough sleep. Still, it turns out that the consequences of sleep deprivation on our mental health can be even more severe. Evidence shows that a lack of sleep can increase your risk of experiencing significant mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Studies of mental health patients have found that a large proportion regularly getgetsx or fewer hours of sleep per night.

Lowered sex drive and fertility

It has also been discovered that lack of sleep can significantly negatively affect your libido and fertility. For example, men who suffer from sleep apnea – a disorder that causes interrupted sleep – are likely to have lower testosterone levels, which can, in turn, lead to reduced sex drive. Also, many hormones essential to reproduction are produced while we sleep, so a lack of sleep can inhibit fertility in men and women.

Heart disease and diabetes

Heart disease and diabetes are two of the developed world’s most significant public health problems, and it has been found that lack of sleep can be a contributory factor in both. A failure to get enough sleep can interfere with the body’s natural production of glucose and thereby play a role in the development of diabetes. In contrast, lack of sleep has been associated with increased heart rate, blood pressure, and inflammation, increasing an individual’s risk of succumbing to heart disease.

Tackling the problem

Getting more sleep is easier said than done, and it isn’t simply a matter of having a few early nights. In fact, it can take weeks to undo the effects of long-term sleep deprivation, but it can be done. One method is to start at the weekend by going to bed when you feel tired and allowing yourself to wake up naturally. And don’t drink too many caffeine-filled drinks during the day, as these can interfere with your natural sleep patterns.

The modern world is increasingly demanding, and constant distractions pull our attention in many different directions. But it is important to ensure you don’t sacrifice your sleep because the consequences for your health could be serious.

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