Best Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get Involved in Philanthropy

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Giving back to the local community, country, or World as an entrepreneur is an enriching experience, professionally and personally. The act of philanthropy is the basis of the free-market philosophy that continues to drive the success and growth of entrepreneurs. Just a few years ago, you may have been on the other end of the giving cycle, so it is important to think beyond the business and consider how to positively impact others.

Get Involved in Philanthropy

Four Ways to Give Back

There are multiple ways to give back your time or money to help others as an entrepreneur. The options are endless, from volunteering at a local shelter to donating money to important causes. The following is a list of four ways you can give back:

One: Give Back with Time or Money

Time or money is the most obvious and easiest way to give back. Instead of seeking a national or international charity, seek local causes first. Donate to a local cause, like sponsoring a community youth program or a new park project. Also, one of the best ways to give back is to teach your craft. Spend time sharing your passion with others; you will feel comfortable because you are an expert.

Two: Give to a Local Business

Entrepreneurs are quite crafty and passionate about business. Most know the requirements to convince investors, land seed money, build relationships, and market themselves to create a growth potential. Therefore, a great way to give back is to give to a local business through pro-bono work. Any free resource for an upcoming small business is a major help; you may even find your next investment.

Three: Raise Money for Charity

While writing a check is helpful, and no charity will refuse the gift, raising the money will help amplify your generosity. Like most entrepreneurs, you likely have a strong network where philanthropy can become contagious.

Three: Volunteer at a Children’s Hospital

Any philanthropic endeavor related to children in need has a major impact. Any philanthropic work about children in need has a major impact. Entrepreneurs are usually young enough to find a fun way to connect with children. You may boast a small sliver of youth, yearning to get out occasionally, and volunteering at a children’s hospital or school is a great way to help someone and act like a child for a few hours. Giving your time is much more important to these children than any amount of money.

There is an endless number of ways to give back. High-level entrepreneurs like Teneo’s Declan Kelly are heavily involved in launching the Recovery Plan for the World, a campaign to end COVID-19 and kickstart the economy. Declan Kelly has teamed up with numerous other entrepreneurs, performance artists, politicians, and keynote individuals to improve the World.

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