The Importance of Choosing a High Quality Computer Repair Service

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Computers have come a long way from when they were first invented. Today, both personal and business computers are a key part of our lives. This now begins in our formative years, when we are in elementary school. The days of a school, or business, having students and colleagues sharing a computer are long gone.

Computers are now so ubiquitous that, according to the United States Census Bureau, 95% of US households had at least one personal computer in 2021, an increase of from 92% in 2018. Today, that number is almost certainly higher.

Computers are all well and good when they work, but what happens when things go south? You will likely need the assistance of a computer repair service. And the quality of the service you receive could mean the difference between a smooth repair that sees you back to your school, work or general life with ease, versus a very stressful time where important documents, such as income and taxation, may be at risk. Who wants the IRS to come knocking at their door?

Start & Run a Computer Repair Service (Start & Run Business Series) -

Don’t Chance It; Choose a Quality Computer Repair Service

DML Computer Repair is a family-owned business that uses only the best computer techs to repair computers.  With a solid 10 years of experience behind them, they insist that all computer repair techs must have at least four years of experience in building computers. Once they have those four years under their belt, they are eligible to fix gaming computers. After that, they must then study under ‘master repairer’, David, in repairing customer’s computers before they can work on a customer’s computer alone.

All of this required experience means that DML Computer Repair technicians know the insides of computers intimately, and can diagnose which of those insides is causing your computer’s operations and performance to go pear shaped.    

What About Parts and Software?

DML Computer Repair only uses high quality parts that are compatible with parts in your existing computer.

How Long Do Repairs Take?

Most computer repairs on lap tops are completed within 48 hours. During this time, the problem will be identified and the repairs needed discussed with you. Any necessary parts will be ordered from quality suppliers and delivered. Repairs will be made and your computer tested to ensure it is operating perfectly. 

Find a quality computer repair near me.

DML computer repair 

223 N Wahsatch Ave STE #104

Colorado Springs, CO 80903 

Texting Line: (719) 632-5856


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