Better, Faster, Stronger: How to Speed Up and Improve Your MacBook

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Macbooks are known to last a long time, but even then, after a year or two – they need some maintenance.

If you find that your Macbook is a bit slower than before, you can make some things to make it faster.

This article will cover how to speed up your Mac and how to make your laptop faster.

So keep reading to learn more.

Better, Faster, Stronger: How to Speed Up and Improve Your MacBook 1

Determine the Resource Junkies

If your MacBook is so slow that it looks like it’s about to take a nap, there is an easy way to open up the applications and find out which is using the most system resources. Open your Activity Monitor by searching for it in the Spotlight or Finder (CMD + Spacebar). You will see a graph and data influx with numbers that are constantly under change, but they will show the memory and CPU resources that each app uses. Take a look at both the CPU and RAM (Memory) tabs and see which applications are most resource-hogging. For instance, by identifying that Google Chrome uses lots of RAM, you can switch to Safari and see a significant output change. Go now to upgrade your RAM.

How to Speed Up: Reduce Start-Up Items

If your Macbook takes a long time to start, the problem is most likely in the number of applications you have set for login. And it’s most likely that you have never set them to launch on their own, but they have done so by default. Navigate to System Preferences by clicking the apple logo in the top left corner of the screen. Go to Users & Groups, and click on the Login Items option. A list of applications that open automatically will show up. Highlight the items you don’t want or need to turn on and click the minus sign that’s below the list.

Update Your MacOS

Apple releases updates of the macOS regularly, so there is no reason not to get them. They are free and useful. Each new version comes with security enhancements and performance improvements that help your Macbook run safely and smoothly. To install them automatically, go to System Preferences, then Software Update, and click on the box with Automatically keep my Mac up to date. Using the Advanced selection, you can choose whether or not the updates should be downloaded automatically, in addition to being installed automatically. There’s also an option that allows you to update your applications automatically. In some cases, an update might not be available for your Macbook because the hardware is outdated. However, you will still be able to receive some security enhancements in any case.

First Aid Maintenance

It’s important to clean up applications that you will be making use of. When you install an application, the software arrives with a special package containing files and permissions that tell what users can do. Over time, the permissions change and result in your Macbook slowing down, crashing, or freezing. By repairing these permissions, the quantity of re-shuffling, and reassigning, you get to put them back into place. To do this, find the Disk Utility in your Spotlight/Finder, and run the First Aid option on your Mac disk. It is also able to fix disk partition issues, start-up processes, and much more. You will have to start your Macbook in recovery mode and then follow the screen’s instructions to repair your disks. For more information on this, click here.

Clean Storage

In some cases, all that your Macbook needs is clean storage. The more items you have on your SSD, the slower it gets. You can check how much storage you have left by selecting the apple logo in the top right corner and choosing the About This Mac option. After this, you click on the Storage tab, and if you are running out of space, the manage button will be available.

You will be recommended four separation options to choose from.

First, you can use iCloud to offload text messages, photos, and files. You can also move the files stored from your documents and desktop to iCloud. Full-resolution photos will be optimized and stored off your mac to save space. If you snap lots of photos, the iCloud Photo Library is one of the greatest things you can have. Also, keep in mind that although iCloud is free for the first 5GB, you have to pay for more space. Getting 50GB will cost about a dollar, and the 2TB will cost $19. Second, you can optimize your TV application storage by deleting shows and movies after watching them. Third, the computer will automatically clean the trash and remove any of the items that have been there for too long. Fourth, you can review large files, unsupported apps, and downloads and manually delete the ones you no longer need. And that’s how to speed up your Macbook.

Fast Macbook, Good Living

Now that you know how to speed up your Mac, you are well on your way to seeing it work as well as it used to before. As long as you make sure to perform regular maintenance, you will ensure that you have a computer that works great whenever you use it. If you’re interested in similar articles, please check out the rest of our filtered technology articles.

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