How to Create a Table with Primary Key in MySQL

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Updating data in a MySQL database is very easy with the UPDATE command. All you need to do is specify which table and row you want to edit. Do you have a table in your MySQL database with a primary key but don’t know how to create it? If you are using MariaDB or another flavor of MySQL, this article will show you how to create a table with a primary key.

I will show you how to create a table with a primary key in a MySQL database using a SQL query. What is a primary key, and how do you make it? A primary key is used to uniquely identify each row within a table. It also enforces unique constraints on data stored in a table.

You will learn about tables in MySQL. Here we create a simple table named student with two columns named student and roll number. We insert two values into this table named 1 and 2, respectively. After that, we display the data in the table using SQL query.


Starting MySQL Server

MySQL is an open-source database management system (DBMS). It is commonly used for web applications, especially blogging platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

MySQL is free and open-source software available under the GNU General Public License.

MySQL is typically installed on Linux systems, although Windows and macOS versions are also available. Before you start, ensure you have a MySQL server running on your computer. There are two different ways to install MySQL.

Accessing the Database

MySQL has a built-in interface called Sequel Pro that allows you to access and manage databases. To start Sequel Pro, click the “File” menu on your menu bar and select “Open.” This opens a window similar to the one shown in the figure below.

Click the “Connect” button and enter your hostname, username, and password.

When you’re done, click on the “OK” button.

Now you can navigate to the database that you want to work on. To start, click the “Browse” button and select the file you created earlier.

Once you’re in the correct directory, you’ll see your database folder in the list. To open the database, click on the “Show Files” button.

Select the “mysql. db” file and click the “Open” button.

You should now see the database in Sequel Pro. Click on the “Database” tab, to see the database schema.

To add a new column, click the “Add” button and enter the name.

To change the type, click the “Change” button and select “Varchar.”

You’ll notice that the value is set to “” in the “Default Value” section. This means that when you insert a new row, it will automatically be assigned a primary key.

Creating a New Table

Creating a new table can be done by creating a new table using the CREATE TABLE statement or the CREATE TABLE AS statement.

CREATE TABLE [ {db_name} ].[{schema}].[{table_name} ]

The db_name is the database name where the table will be created. The schema is the database name where the table will be made. The table_name is the name of the table.

Adding a Primary Key to the Table

Creating a primary key is simple, but it requires a little bit of planning and understanding. Let’s start by creating a table with no primary key.

This is the first table we will work with, so let’s create a new table called `blog`. We can use the following command to create a new table:



`id` int(11) NOT NULL,

`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,




You can see that the id column has the int type (11). This means the field can only hold a number between 0 and 2147483647.

The `title` column is a varchar field, which can hold up to 255 characters.

Now that we have a table, we must create a primary key. A primary key is used to uniquely identify a record in a table. A primary key enforces unique constraints on data stored in a table. A primary key also ensures the database cannot insert multiple records with the same value in a single insert statement.

Verifying the Creation of Table and Primary Key

Before creating a table with a primary key, you must first verify the creation of the table. To verify the result of a table, you must execute a statement such as SHOW TABLE STATUS.

After executing the above query, you should see the following output:


`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,



The first column, id, is the primary key of the table. You can use the primary key for your needs or delete it if you don’t need it.

Frequently Asked Questions MySQL

Q: What is a primary key?

A: A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a table. Primary keys are required to create an auto-incrementing id column or foreign keys.

Q: What is an auto-incrementing id?

A: An auto-incrementing id is generated by a database automatically when you insert a record into the table.

Q: How can you create a foreign key?

A: You must include the column(s) to which the foreign key points as part of the foreign key specification.

Q: What is a foreign key?

A: A foreign key is a column in one table pointing to a primary key in another.

Top Myths About MySQL

  1. MySQL doesn’t support the primary key.
  2. A table with a primary key cannot be empty.
  3. It is impossible to create a table with a primary key and then drop it.


Primary keys serve as a unique identifier for each row in a table. They are essential for ensuring data integrity and preventing duplicate records. If you were to create a table for a restaurant, you would probably want to add a primary key.

This would allow you to easily identify and distinguish between the rows in the table. The primary key is a column in a database table that uniquely identifies every row. The primary key is created automatically when you make a table but can be modified manually. It’s important to understand that the primary key doesn’t guarantee uniqueness but provides a unique identifier.

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