BSNL to Install 25,000 Wi-Fi Hotspots at Rural Exchanges Across India

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Scary that once this task is finished, the digital divide within the rural regions will be ended. The authorities have taken a few instant (urgent) solutions to that together with the step of presenting offerings thru 25,000 Wi-Fi Hotspots, and it’s been entrusted to the BSNL.” BSNL CMD Anupam Shrivastava said BSNL is already inside the Wi-Fi hotspots method in a huge manner and can supply this Wi-Fi assignment in six to eight months. The announcement stated reliable net carriers thru those Wi-Fi hotspots shall be furnished through strong fiber backhaul of the BSNL and Gigabit Passive Optical Network connectivity being extended via BharatNet Project. “About ninety-three,000 optical fibers has been laid by using now. Phase 1 of laying will be finished through June 30. The first section has a goal of one lakh and a target of two. Five lakh can be finished using Dec 2018,” the minister said on the sidelines of the occasion. You might think that a retailer would always welcome the latest gadget and widely publicize it, but in fact, that’s not always the case. Sound unbelievable? Well, some retailers might:

BSNL to Install 25,000 Wi-Fi Hotspots at Rural Exchanges Across India 1

  • have substantial stock in a central warehouse which they’re trying to run off before publicizing new-to-market items;
  • perhaps operate under a restrictive distribution agreement with a single supplier for a given type of technology, something that may preclude them from bringing to your attention new stuff from other manufacturers;

have a marketing strategy that is based heavily upon protecting future income stream from regular updates and upgrades of existing products they’ve sold (it can be surprisingly expensive for a retailer to take on an entirely new product line with the training involved and so on).


So, not all retailers operate on the basis that if it’s out there, they must offer it. That’s one of the reasons why you may be wondering just what’s happened to the really new exciting stuff. If you want to see the latest gadgets directly out of the labs, you need to regularly look for providers and outlets offering the best and coolest gadgets. They do exist. If your idea of an exciting new gadget is to release of your existing phone’s operating system, where you’re currently on release, then it’s time to get out of the rut!

What is a new gadget?

Most of us love gadgets. These were once called “boy’s toys,” but that was sexist nonsense. Today, gadgets are popular with almost everyone, irrespective of gender. However, they’ve become so popular that some manufacturers and retailers have become a little complacent. For example, these are the outlets that run major headline announcements of the type saying, er, um, that they’ve now got “red cased ones” in stock instead of the usual blue cases. OK, that’s a made-up example, but you get the drift. If you find you’re yawning at new announcements more often than gasping in amazement, then something’s wrong.

What’s going on?

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