Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hair Loss and FUE Hair Transplant

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Pune is situated on the Mutha river and is a neighbor to the areas such as Pimpri Chinchwad, Khadki, and Dehu Road. Pune is widely considered as Maharashtra’s cultural capital and the Pune Metropolitan Region (PMR). It is the ninth-largest city in the country, with a total land area of about 331 kilometers squared. Pune’s metropolitan region has more than 5 million inhabitants, making it the seventh-largest metropolitan area by population in the country. This is no surprise as more people prefer Pune as a residence place because it is considered one of the most livable cities in India. However, Pune is not exempted from the country’s most common health conditions: hair loss. Because of Pune’s distinct set of challenges and issues regarding hair, FUE hair transplant in Pune has gained popularity. This article will answer the frequently asked questions regarding hair loss and FUE hair transplant.

FUE Hair Transplant: What to Expect, Cost, Pictures, and More

What is Hair Loss?

According to Healthline, regular hair loss is perfectly normal as humans lose fifty to a hundred hair strands every day. The problem arises when several factors affect hair regrowth, which means lost hair is not replaced as fast as it should be. Hair loss can either be mild or severe and can develop gradually over several years or occur suddenly. Hair loss can also be temporary or permanent.

What Causes Mild to Moderate Hair Loss?

Pathologic hair loss can occur because of several reasons, such as infections, environmental factors, and medical conditions, to name a few. There are also specific factors that cause pathologic hair loss, which include some of the following:

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

According to reports, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal disorders in Pune that affect women. This condition causes the development of several small (fluid) hair follicles that eventually lead to pathologic hair loss. Unfortunately, hair loss caused by PCOS does not respond well to common hair loss treatments. The best treatment for this is the FUE hair transplant in Pune.


Recent research has shown that pollution is one of the primary causes of hair problems, such as hair loss. This is because polluted air contains different contaminants, such as chemicals, hazardous substances, and dust particles. Unfortunately, due to Pune’s continuous development and urbanization, pollution levels are rising, increasing hair loss among the population.

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant is widely considered the most advanced technique in treating pathologic hair loss. It is also the most widely known hair transplant surgery for individuals who suffer from female or male-pattern baldness. It is a surgical procedure that involves removing hair follicles in a donor area, which is then planted on a recipient site to stimulate hair growth.

What Are the Possible Donor Areas?

A doctor or surgeon ultimately decides the donor area or site wherein healthy hair follicles are extracted. Several factors are considered when choosing a donor area, which includes hair type, quality, color, and size of the area, to name a few. The common donor areas which surgeons choose for a hair transplant include the back of the head, sides of the head, beard hair, or body hair.

What are the Benefits and Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant?

As mentioned earlier, FUE hair transplant is the most popular type of surgery for hair loss treatment and for good reasons. Some of these benefits and advantages include the following:

  1. Minimally Invasive

Unlike other surgical procedures for hair loss treatment, FUE hair transplant is minimally invasive, which means it won’t cause any scarring. This is because it does not create large incisions.

  1. Fewer Side Effects and Complications

Before the FUE hair transplant method was invented, the go-to surgical procedure for hair loss treatment was follicular unit transplantation (FUT). The problem with FUT was that it caused quite a few complications during the procedure, and the side effects were not ideal—a common side effect was large scars. Fortunately, an FUE hair transplant was invented, which seldom has side effects and reduced complications.

The Most Effective Type of Treatment

FUE hair transplant is arguably the most effective and efficient treatment for hair loss. This is because of how fast results occur, unlike other treatment forms, which may take several months before results are shown.


If you are currently experiencing any form of pattern baldness, then you should undoubtedly consider an FUE hair transplant as a treatment modality. By choosing an FUE hair transplant, you are selecting a method that has been tested and proved as the best in treating pathologic hair loss.

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