Here’s Everything That You Need To Know About Testosterone

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We are all often curious about the various facts and figures we hide within our skin’s epidermis. However, among all the human body’s mysteries, testosterone is one of the most common hormones that are usually misunderstood. This hormone plays a crucial role in the human body’s functioning in both sexes. Testosterone has been the subject of research for a long time, and scientists have succeeded in breaking down the truth behind its various aspects.

This article will cover how testosterone impacts a male’s body and that of a female and everything else you need to know about this hormone.

What exactly is the Testosterone hormone?

Testosterone is primarily a male sex hormone, and secondly, it is also an anabolic steroid. This hormone is responsible for bringing out the male characteristics in a man’s body. Thus, it plays a significant role in developing the male reproductive tissues and the growth of the associated organs. Testosterone is found in higher quantities in a male’s body; females also produce this hormone in their ovaries but in smaller amounts.

Effects of Testosterone on male’s body

  • Endocrine System

The endocrine system of a person’s body consists of various glands responsible for producing various hormones. The quantity of the hormone that has to be made is decided by the hypothalamus located in the brain. The pituitary gland then instructs the testicles to make the required amount of testosterone, as most of this hormone is made in this gland.

Testosterone starts developing in the male genitals even before the birth of a boy. When puberty strikes, this hormone creates male attributes such as a beard, deep voice, and body hair. It is responsible for promoting muscles and sex drive. After 30, this hormone drops by 1% every year. However, adrenal glands located in abolocatedkidneys also produce this male hormone in smaller quantities.

  • Reproductive System

After around seven to eight weeks of conception, the testosterone hormone develops in the male genitals at their initial stage. At puberty, it helps grow and develop various primary sexual organs. Testicles produce a steady stream of testosterone, resulting in a fresh supply of semen daily. Testosterone is produced by the gonads and contributes to bringing about a change in a male’s body. Sexual desires happen to strike in by the presence of these hormones in a person’s body. It also regulates the secretion of other hormones, such as luteinizing and follicle hormones. In women, ovaries are responsible for the production of the testosterone hormone. This hormone in women is later converted into the major female sex hormone called oestradiol.

  • Sexuality

When a boy hits puberty, this primary male hormone helps develop and grow their genitals. The deeper voice, body hair, body odor, hair over the genitals, etc., result from increased testosterone production in the male body. Along with these significant changes in the body comes the increasing sexual desire that a person feels due to this hormone’s secretion. A person with low testosterone production might lose his urge to get engaged in sexual relationships and would ultimately suffer from a disease called erectile dysfunction. “Moreover, male hormone production might face a drop due to a prolonged time of sexual inactivity. It all goes with the “use it or lose it” theory.

  • Central Nervous System

Testosterone plays a vital role in certain behaviors of the male body, such as aggression and dominance. Our body has a system that controls testosterone, sending messages with hormones and chemicals released into the blood. This also promotes competitiveness and boosts self-esteem. Sexual activity can affect testosterone levels, and similarly, a sport or any activity in which completion is involved may result in a hike in the male hormones. Moreover, low testosterone production may result in low self-confidence and a lack of inspiration. It may also cause restlessness and a lack of energy.

  • Skin and Hair

Many changes are noticeable as a boy grows from a child to an adult. The hair on the face, genitals, arms, legs, chest, armpits, etc., grows considerably fast. A man lacking male hormone production might experience a lack of body hair, acne, breast enlargement, etc. Testerone patches may occur on the skin’s surface and cause irritation. Applying topical gels could be helpful. However, this skin disease could also be transferred to another person due to germs and bacteria.

  • Circulatory System

Testosterone is responsible for producing red blood cells as it spurs the bone marrow. Testosterone travels in the entire body with blood help, and you can easily know the amount of testosterone in your body through a simple blood test. Due to a lack of testosterone hormones, many men go through therapy; however, it might often prove a bad step. According to recent studies, testosterone therapy that is performed using intramuscular injections might be the reason for the rise in the body’s red blood cells, which can be injurious. Other side effects might include fluid retention and changes in cholesterol. Therefore, it is essential to do proper research before jumping to any solution regarding the hormones in your body.

  • Muscle, Fat, and Bones

Testosterone is one of the main factors responsible for muscle building and strength. This hormone is known to trigger neurotransmitters that are responsible for tissue growth. It also reacts with the nuclear receptor that is present in the DNA and thereby causes protein synthesis. Growth hormones also increase, and ultimately the muscle grows. Bone density is increased through testosterone and signals the bone marrow to produce more and more red blood cells. Lack of this hormone in the body might result in weak bone nodules.

Effects of testosterone on the female’s body

  • Cognitive health

According to a study, testosterone also has a neuroprotective effect on the female body. It is also linked with bone development and growth in the female body. It is a fact that testosterone levels are significantly low in postmenopausal women suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Whereas a fairly high testosterone level in women results in better performance at mathematical decisions and synaptic problems. Other studies also found that a decent amount of testosterone in women leads to better bone growth. Still, imbalanced testosterone levels can harm them and increase their chances of injury or fracture.

  • Sex drive

It is said that testosterone is a male sex hormone, but even women’s bodies are found to have low testosterone levels. Similar to the level of estrogen in the male body. Like testosterone is a sex hormone for a male, it also tends to function similarly for the woman’s body. In a female body, testosterone keeps the sex drive running, thus fusing a female’s mind with thoughts of sex and desires. It also provides the energy in a female body to be indulged in the process of mating.

  • Pregnancy and menstrual cycle

Studies have shown that women with PCOS often face difficulties getting pregnant. There is a lower chance of women with PCOS getting pregnant because they do not ovulate, there might even be a slight chance of them getting pregnant, but the risks of miscarriage are linked to such pregnancies. It is also a fact that lower testosterone levels in a female body can lead to missed periods or even irregular periods, which can be a painful issue. Furthermore, PCOS might also lead to infertility if not treated with proper medication and given sufficient attention on time.

  • Ovarian cyst

Since in the bodies of women suffering from PCOS, the eggs may not be released from the ovarian follicle, in light of that event, the eggs may fuse with each other and form a cyst which keeps on growing as this process of fusion continues if the condition is not treated well. These cysts can be painful, and usually, a body with cysts must undergo surgery to get rid of them. Even with the surgery, there are high chances of developing cysts as PCOS hardly affects the surgery.

  • Hair growth and skin problems

The imbalance of testosterone levels in a female body can lead to falsely divided hair growth throughout the body. The woman’s body might also grow hair on the back, chest, face, thumbs, and even toes. Women with PCOS also have several skin problems, such as pimples, oily skin, dandruff, dark patches on the skin, etc.

How low is the testosterone level in a human body too low?

Testosterone levels in the human body are measured by carrying out a blood test to determine this hormone’s actual count. A normal human body with no imbalance has 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of testosterone. But the low reading can not be trusted to alarm the situation. According to doctors, different hormones have different patterns of secretion. The best time to check testosterone levels in a human body is between 7AM and 10AM because this is when the human body secretes the highest hormone level. The results might not show the exact information if the test is carried out in the afternoon. This is why most testosterone diagnoses in human bodies are made in the morning.

Testosterone level is not merely a number.

If you have testosterone levels in your body lower than the recommended number, you might still not have to worry. The doctors say that the 200-300 ng/dl reading is a gray area. Levels that are even lower than 200-300 ng/dl do not imply a matter of worry themselves, but if you find symptoms related to testosterone, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible. You will definitely benefit from the medication and treatment of your condition, but if you have a slightly low testosterone level, you might want to wait until symptoms show up.

Treatments for imbalanced in testosterone level

  • Estrogen therapy

If you experience the symptoms of menopause, like frequent flashes, it is a clear indication that you must visit a doctor. You may be prescribed a low dose of estrogen during such a condition.

  • Vaginal estrogen

If you suffer from problems related to the vagina, like dryness and itchiness, you might want to apply some estrogen creams to treat the discomfort.

  • Hormonal birth control

If you are trying to get pregnant, you should take hormonal birth control pills and regulate females’ menstrual cycle.

  • Anti-androgen medication

The human body with a high level of androgens may take anti-androgen pills to control the situation.

  • Metformin

This is a medication that might help women with PCOS to deal with the abnormality.

  • Testosterone therapy

This therapy is seen as a way to reduce testosterone levels in the male body.

  • Flibanserin

This can be used to cure low sex drives in the human body in premenopausal women.

  • Eflornithine

This comes in a cream form, which can treat excessive hair growth in women’s bodies.

  • Thyroid hormone therapy

The imbalance in the thyroid level is something that should be treated as soon as a diagnosis. Thyroid hormone therapy does the job here. All in all, it could be said that testosterone is one of the most crucial hormones that the human body secret and impacts the male and female bodies. It is recommended to get the testosterone level in your body tested to know whether you have a deficiency or not. Moreover, a medical consultancy from a professional like will be able to provide you with the answers to the questions and doubts you might be having regarding this hormone. Ensure you adopt a healthy lifestyle if you truly want a balanced testosterone level and all other hormones in your body.

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