How to Fall Asleep Faster and Get a Better Night’s Sleep

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We know what follows a rough sleep night: the consequences of the next day.

Learning how to fall asleep fast sounds challenging but not impossible. Sometimes falling asleep quickly doesn’t come easy, and turning, tossing, and reminiscing about not sleeping only makes it difficult. Perhaps you already know the basic ideas like turning off your devices and reading a book, but when those don’t seem to work, what can you do?

Turns out, several tactics sleep specialists have stumbled upon that rely on your own psychology and biology to induce a state of relaxation.

Here are a few simple yet effective strategies you can try nearly anywhere to fall asleep and sleep better tonight. Indeed, these won’t replace the medical advice from your doctor, and you should still consult with a medical expert if you have serious sleep problems.

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Get a mattress of the right firmness.

You probably hear it before, but there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to mattress firmness. Different people, activity level, sleep potion, age, body mechanics, and other factors will sleep better on various levels of softness or a mattress’s firmness.

That’s why mattress manufacturers worldwide are trying to come out with different types of mattresses. While some are ideal for back and stomach sleepers, who want the firmest feel. Nolah Mattress is ideal for side sleepers who want the firmest feel.

But if you’re looking for something between, you should consider a mattress that is the perfect balance of firm and soft to support your body, regardless of which position you sleep in.

Cave Your Bedroom

Some time ago, before the advent of Instagram, nights used to be cold and dark. But modern science finds that both complete darkness and cool temperature are ideal for rest. According to sleep researchers, artificial light and light from electronic devices can hinder our biological clocks and interfere with our sleep quality.

Having a bedroom free of noise and artificial light will not only ensure a dark and nice sleep environment but also show your brain that your “sleep cave” is for sleep only, not for world events, social media, and other unnecessary things that get our minds going.

Trick Your Brain.

A Scottish study has shown that clinical use of paradoxical intention (which basically means NOT trying to fall asleep while in bed) reduces anxiety and sleep effort for insomniacs compared to doing nothing.

Therefore, instead of ruminating about trying to go to sleep, tell your brain that you’re trying to stay awake for a few more minutes. If your cold and dark bedroom still makes your mind run, you can also try listening to a podcast or an audiobook or even visualize activities in your mind to take the focus off and snooze off.

If you still have problems falling asleep, it might help read about basic sleep habits and how to set your bedroom for a good night’s sleep. Better yet, you may consult a behavior sleep specialist if your sleep problem doesn’t seem to vanish even with these lifestyle changes.

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