Singing can benefit us mentally and physically; the best part is that you don’t need to be good at it. Simply belting out some chords can help you improve your overall health, and there is a ton of research to back up these claims.
The benefits of singing include;
- Strengthening of the muscles of the upper body
- Strengthening of the muscles in the mouth and throat
- A reduction in sleep apnea
- A reduction in snoring
- Strengthening of the lungs
- Increasing oxygen circulation throughout the body
- A better-regulated heart rate
- Lower blood pressure
- Improved breathing
- The decrease in Asthma symptoms and flare-ups
- Greater cognition and mental alertness
- Reduce Parkinson’s Disease symptoms
- Reduce lung disease symptoms
The act of singing is actually a physical activity. When we sing, we must stand straight or sit straight while breathing deeply from the diaphragm. While singing, our voices are presented using the upper part of the body’s muscles along with the jaw, neck, and face muscles. The physical effects of singing can be garnered through the activation of these muscles. How so?
With the use of the muscles mentioned above, our posture is improved, which releases body tension. While doing this, we are strengthening the muscles being worked and the muscles found in the palate, mouth, and throat roof. The strengthening of these muscles leads to a reduction in sleep apnea and a reduction in snoring.
Because of the deep and rhythmical breathing involved when we sing, the lungs are strengthened over time. This ensures that more oxygen flows through the circulatory system and into the brain. Better oxygen flow through the body comes with a more regulated heart rate, better cognition, lower blood pressure, and better mental alertness.
Research on choir singers proved that their heartbeats were also in unison with their breathing speed while singing. ‘Members in the study had their pulses measured, and it was found that the vibrations rose and fell in sync with other choir members as they sang. The study also showed how the heart rates directly affected the music’s melody.
In a retrospective review of studies analyzed in 2014, over 800 studies proved that music therapy involving singing helped relieve symptoms in those who suffered from Asthma.
In 2012 types of research at Cardiff University uncovered some evidence of improvement in lung cancer patients engaged in choral singing. The research results revealed that persons in the singing group had a higher expiratory capacity than those who were not a part of the group.
The Skylarks choir for persons with Parkinson’s disease was established by Bienville Nacox, a music professor. One of the choir members noted that his voice strengthened even though he had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease five years ago. The improvements resulted from the extended use of his vocal cords and the deep breathing required for singing.
While a lot of the data collected was based on people singing in choirs, the same benefits can be achieved by simply singing at home in your shower or in the car. To make it a bit more fun and to get more people in on the benefits of singing, why not invest in a karaoke machine and make this beneficial pastime and fun one for all to engage in! The physical effects of singing with friends, family, and other loved ones are just the beginning. Imagine the laughter and happiness that ensues that will also help improve your emotional and mental health.