Planning to Retire Rich? Read This First

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Envisioning retirement should be more about traveling far away and indulging in specific hobbies and less about paying off debts or covering bills. While the former looks like a desirable post-retirement lifestyle, the most global population is at risk of getting minimal benefits upon hanging the boots. However, the millennial population tends to procrastinate retirement savings, which can have catastrophic consequences in the future. While it’s quite frustrating to be old, things get bad when individuals even run out of money. However, retiring rich isn’t as difficult and tricky as it sounds, and one can save a substantial amount of money despite having an erroneous lifestyle and mismanaged saving habits.

In the subsequent sections, we shall enlist some important and functional ideas facilitating post-retirement affluence.

Start Saving

Nothing beats a decent money-saving mentality. Individuals who plan to retire rich must learn the basics of saving as early as possible. Moreover, starting early allows an individual to keep a sizeable sum, even if the initial amounts are lower. Besides, saving money under a financial organization will enable it to grow and develop into something considerable by retirement age.

Know the Saving Threshold

Lack of knowledge is an impeding factor that stuns post-retirement wealth creation. While we mentioned ‘Savings’ as one of the primary options to simplify life after retirement, one must realize that there must be a minimum saving value to sustain the current lifestyle. The rule of thumb suggests that the saving amount must consider inflating transportation, insurance, and healthcare costs as these factors are expected to persist for longer. It can be presumed that nearing retirement, most loans get canceled out, and the individual only needs to concentrate on maintaining a certain standard of living. Ideally, an individual must look to save somewhere between 8 to 10 percent of their annual income, which can change in the future, depending on inflation and dwindling living standards.

Plan a Life-Long Income

Retirement planning shouldn’t stop immediately after corpus accumulation. If a person plans to retire rich, they must have enough funds or accumulation strategies to sustain the current lifestyle. Therefore, every retirement plan must offer a lifelong income that facilitates no barrier purchase options and many other benefits. Investment in life insurance plans can help in this regard. Especially retirement plans offer annuity at the term maturity and guarantee continued payment options to the concerned individuals. The payment size, however, depends on the payment period and initially invested corpus.

Beat Volatility and Inflation

Both inflation and volatility can negatively impact the existing retirement corpus by silently killing off the long-term gains. Even a 6 percent inflation rate is considered to have debilitating effects. One must also keep a close eye on the health-care inflation rate as the former is expected to be the biggest post-retirement expense, escalating rapidly at almost two times the current inflation rate.

Save the Raise

Occasional pay raises can be extremely encouraging, but they can easily wiggle up the existing budget. Some individuals keep expanding their lifestyles with a growing salary. However, they must beef up the retirement corpus instead of upgrading to a bigger home or purchasing a better car. Whatever the temptation, it is advisable to save and invest the salary raise as a part of the retirement account.


Planning for retirement isn’t something that one can associate with youngsters. However, purchasing life insurance plans, especially a retirement plan, is the best way forward as it can help them save money right from an early age.

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