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Conveyor belts are of huge importance at manufacturing units and production houses. They are precious for the smooth working of preparing tasks and are used to relocate heavy objects from one place to another. With the advancement of technology and the innovation of new ideas, these belts have played a crucial role in minimizing human effort and have increased productivity. Therefore proper functioning of the conveyor belts is essential for any manufacturing house. Here are some of the most important tips on how to make the best out of your conveyor belts. Read more to find out.

All factors in place!

Certain important factors must be satisfied for any conveyor belt to function properly and with its maximum proficiency. For example, the factory’s appropriate temperature conditions, the type of product, the minimum number of pulleys, and most essentially, the correct amount of load. It is important to understand that overloading a conveyor belt and exceeding its actual capacity will only prove to be problematic. Therefore it is important to keep a check on that. You must ensure that all these factors are in place. Only then will your machine perform at its best.

Proper storage

No matter how good, without proper care and maintenance, any machine will never last for a prolonged time span. Therefore ideally, it is imperative to store your machine and all the adjoining parts carefully. Store the belts covered with plastic to avoid contamination and give them sufficient space. Place each of the belts separately rather than forming a cluster. Improper storage may lead to malfunctioning of the belts.

Regular maintenance and properly clean

Keeping up your conveyor belt can appear like an intense activity, but proper planning and execution can help you expand the machine’s life even beyond its said time. Make it a routine with regards to consistently examining your hardware for any wear and tear and development of material to keep any loss of efficiency later on. You will be stranded if you don’t do this. Get your conveyor belts inspected by a mechanic and never ignore even the smallest symptoms. This should be done along with regular cleaning for the best results.

Examine for Belt Slippage and check the motors

Belt slippage is caused by ill-advised pressure of the belt or stacking your transport line with an overwhelming burden. If you see your conveyor belt slipping, then you should get them replaced as soon as possible, or else it will only lead to further damage. Another important thing is to keep Your Motor Clean. Most conveyor belts have cooling fans and vents that blow cool air on the engine and keep it cool. However, if these end up obstructed because of residue or oil, then your engine can overheat and fall flat. So keep on routinely cleaning and keeping up your fans and vents to evade this. Do not forget to oil if necessary.

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