The Role of the Hotel Reception Staff

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Reception staff at hotels serve an important purpose – after all, when you enter a hotel, the first person you interact with is the receptionist at the lobby. Therefore, the reception staff helps form the hotel’s initial impression and can influence your stay at the hotel. Most people tend to judge their hotel trip by the attitude and competency of the reception staff.

The hotel reception staff helps coordinate the entire hotel. The staff is the one that knows the number of guests checked in at the hotel, which are the guests that are leaving, and which parties are checking in. Furthermore, the reception staff will know of any events, parties, weddings, or celebrations that are taking place in the hotel. Therefore, the reception staff is in charge of making the appropriate arrangements to ensure that every party is satisfied. Also, guests and clients will approach the reception for any problems or concerns being faced. Thus, the reception staff needs to be kept in the loop of everything in the hotel.

Another important role that the reception staff plays is that of the personification of the hotel. When entering a hotel, the first people you see and interact with will probably be the reception staff. A good and competent set of reception staff will make their guests feel comfortable and be able to keep things calm and level in stressful situations. Furthermore, the reception staff should know of attractions and sights to see in the area, because tourists tend to approach the reception staff to enquire about places to go in the new city.
Reception staff serves some purposes, most of which revolve around logistics of handling the needs and requests of hundreds of guests at once, along with ensuring that scheduled events continue as planned without a glitch in the process. The receptionist acts as the face of the hotel and must therefore ensure that every problem is resolved as soon as possible to keep up the hotel’s image. Thus, the reception staff are the true backbones of hotels; without their services, there would be no coordination with other hotel components, resulting in chaos and confusion.


Hotel Champ-de-Mars is located at the gateway to Old Montreal and offers a prime location for tourists and other guests to visit the city and experience historic attractions and sights while at their hotel’s comfort. Furthermore, the hotel is famed for providing a range of comforts and services to their guests while making you feel at home. The reception staff at the hotel will be able to provide you with details and information on the sights surrounding the area and will be able to tell you about upcoming events in the area. Furthermore, they will also be able to schedule transportation for you if you are new in the city and are not familiar with the language.

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