4 Most Common Things Couples Fight About

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Being in a relationship often means having to make sacrifices to make it last. Since no two people are identical, you’ll always find things to disagree on eventually. The important thing is to find common ground and be patient with each other’s differences. When it comes to the most common things that most couples find themselves butting heads about, here are the ones that stand out most.



Couples are frequently arguing about money since it’s such a delicate subject. Money is something that two people can butt heads about when they can’t see eye to eye on what it should be used for. One of the people in the relationship sees money as something which should be spent freely and without worries, while the other person is much more conservative about what they spend. Often the straw that breaks the camel’s back is when one spouse makes a major purchase on something like buying a vehicle without consulting the other spouse. For some people, this is a betrayal as bad as adultery. Because they fear they aren’tcan never them again, they leave the relationship behind forever.


Sometimes for various reasons, one of the people in a relationship may lack confidence about the role they play. When they feel insecure about how much the other person cares, it can lead to serious arguments. Sometimes, jealousy is warranted if one of the people in the couple is dishonest or actively doing things that create suspicion. However, many cases are unwarranted jealousy, which can commonly lead to their relationship’s demise.

Lack of Intimacy

In a romantic relationship, it’s essential to have physical intimacy between a couple. Otherwise, there’s no difference between being friends and lovers. Lovers should not only be sexually intimate but also make small gestures, from a hand on the arm to a hug in the morning. When one of the people in the relationship wants to have more physical interaction yet feels starved, they can feel insecure and rejected. Arguments begin to arise, and it often takes therapy to repair the issue, if at all.

Household Chores

When one of the people in the relationship feels like they’re taking on more work than the other, it can create an imbalance. One of the people in the couple may feel like they aren’t being given a hand to keep up with household duties, yet the other feels like they’re being nagged all the time. It can quickly become exhibiting the same dynamic as a parent and child when one of them feels like they’re taking care of the other.

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