Best French Learning Apps for Beginners & Advanced Learners

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Just about everybody has fantasized about learning a foreign language. Goodness knows I have! The idea is exciting and whimsical. But you know what isn’t exciting? Actually learning the language. Knowing how to speak a language is one thing, but you must learn to say it. Another problem I remember facing back when I tried to learn French was actually using my knowledge – the difference between the passive & active usage of a language. It’s one thing to know the grammar, for example, but another to actually use it in a conversation. I have compiled a list of apps that might help you learn a language, specifically French. I love the French language; it’s wonderful. Hopefully, with these apps, you will discover a few things without getting too bored. I also found this list with a few other apps, so you can check that out if you want to.

Best 10 Apps for Learning French by App Grooves

  • Here’s my insight into 3 apps I thought might be a good starting point.
  • Learn French Vocabulary – Rating: 4.5, Downloads: 1 million.

I found this app on one of my first searches, and I thought it might be good for learning basic French. It seemed like beginners would get a lot out of it, and the cartoony style was interesting to me. It claims to have over 6,000 words to teach you, which seems like plenty to me! Also, the design is more for kids, so if you have children who might want to learn French, this one is the perfect starting point before they are ready for more advanced lessons. The app is good for beginners but might not be as valuable for intermediate or expert learners. If you want to improve your French knowledge, I suggest skipping this one.

  • Pros: Simple to use, fun games to play, syncs across devices
  • Cons: Not available in all languages, not for more advanced learners
  • Overall: Simple, fun app, perfect for kids and people with zero knowledge, but not for intermediate learners
  • Learn French Phrases – Rating: 4.3, Downloads: 1 million

Because every phrase in Learn French Phrases is recorded by voice actors, I thought this app would be great for practicing pronunciation – the active French usage I mentioned earlier. Unlike Learn French vocabulary, this app is good for more experienced speakers, as the features allow you to take it to the next level. Many phrases help you out if you plan to travel to France anytime soon. You can just look up a word and find it pretty quickly. If the first app is for beginners and kids, this one is more for intermediate learners. As I said, this app is not for beginners. The phrases can be pretty complex. But, if you have some knowledge, the app will fit perfectly. The real possible downside is that it asks you to pay to upgrade to the pro version constantly. So if that annoys you, then this might not work for you.

  • Pros: Lots of phrases, easy to look up phrases
  • Cons: Not for beginners; asks for money.
  • Overall: It a very informative app, perfect if you’re thinking of traveling to France
  • Duolingo – Rating: 4.7, Downloads: 100 million

I’m sure everyone has heard of Duolingo, or at least almost everyone. I believe that it is the best of the best language learning apps, but that is just my opinion. Because of the time the service has been around, Duolingo developed their feature to a great quality level. It offers many educational activities and courses in many languages, including French. It is very little this app does not do, but there are some things.

Duolingo is not always accurate in its voice recognition. If you speak a phrase to it, it may not always know what you are saying. It also has ads you can pay to get rid of, so if you hate ads, you might not like Duolingo. But if you don’t mind spending a few bucks, Duolingo is an all-around great French learning app.

  • Pros: Lots of activities, long courses
  • Cons: Faulty voice recognition, ads
  • Overall: A great all-around language learning app suitable for beginners and advanced learners

My Conclusion

I searched the app store for the best French learning apps, which I came up with. I tried to sort them so that anyone could find at least one app, no matter their French knowledge. So if you have kids, go with the first one, and depending on your level, pick one of the other two. Au Revoir! Anyway, I wish you a happy learning.

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