Managing attendance rosters using time and attendance system on greytHR

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The ideal time and attendance systems provide you with accurate attendance rosters.

What is an attendance roster or register?

It’s a list of employees who’ve signed in and signed out as per their duty hours for a particular working day in an organization.

Obsolete time and attendance systems

Without an attendance management system or employee attendance software, capturing this information accurately was a pain. The usual methods are to capture it on Excel sheets or on physical attendance registers. These are prone to human errors and are downright obnoxious and obsolete when marking and capturing accurate attendance for multiple shifts.

Advanced attendance software

greytHR’s time and attendance system module seamlessly manages attendance rosters.

Single attendance module, multiple outcomes

greytHR’s attendance management system provides multiple reports to get details of monthly attendance. Apart from reports, you can also view the monthly attendance data per employee and their sick leave and other holiday information under the attendance muster.

  • You can also assign shifts to employees based on business needs. As an Admin, you can also modify the assigned shift of an employee.
  • You can view the current day’s attendance status of an employee or group of selected or targeted employees.
  • You can regularize any employee’s attendance in the absence of his/ her manager.
  • If you’re using a third-party swipe machine or biometric device for capturing attendance, you can monitor the swipe data per employee.

You can push notifications to various employees via greytHR’s attendance module before, on, or after a particular event. You can select a combination of trigger periods and channels and then apply filters to notify the required employees. You can manually override an employee’s attendance/ absence based on business requirements and agreed-upon scenarios between the employee and his/ her manager. For example, if an employee had worked from home or on-site for a particular period, you can override the attendance (captured as not present) for this employee for that period.

As an Admin, you sometimes need to allow an exception in attendance for an employee or group of employees. This may be during scenarios wherein an employee had attended only one of the sessions in a particular shift (partially present). There was some maintenance activity or bandh on a particular day. greytHR’s attendance management system project facilitates you to do this. greytHR’s attendance module provides a view of the employees by their shifts. You can view multiple shifts in a month in the same grid. greytHR’s attendance module enables you to set up the shift calendar (also known as the production plan). Shift rotation is useful when compensating for a working day with a non-working day. For example, you may declare a Wednesday as a holiday due to some external or unavoidable emergency at your office location and consider the following Saturday as a working day. greytHR’s attendance module enables you to view employee distribution across shift rotation plans and allows you to allocate desired employees to a new plan.

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