5 Ways To Increase Engagement Facebook

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The dream of every business owner when it comes to social media is to have a popular Facebook page, the kind where you update your wall and users go crazy sharing, liking, and commenting on all your posts. Having an active follower base respond to your posts would be a major PR boost for your growing business.

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However, the reality is that a lot of businesses who start posting on Facebook eventually quit when they fail to generate a sizeable response, despite all their efforts.

The truth is that people, tired of being bombarded by ads both on and offline, don’t especially want to hear about your products or services when all they want to do is catch up with their Facebook news feed and otherwise be informed and/or entertained. The last thing people want to see on Facebook is advertisements.

Because specific ads on Facebook can be “switched off” and ignored by the user, you’ve got to be careful and create content that strikes a personal note while communicating your message.

Here are five methods that will definitely boost your Facebook page engagement:

1. Timing

Feeding your wall at times when it will be seen by the most eyeballs is extremely important. Updating this page when everyone is sleeping or at work will not generate much engagement. Most people generally go on Facebook after work or on their commute.

According to a Kissmetrics article on social media post timing, written by Dan Zarella, the best time to post your content is around noon and shortly after 7 pm.

You’d also be smart to use the complementary online tool Safe Poster, which is designed to boost Facebook engagement when you post to your wall.


2. Pictures

Pictures and graphically designed images on Facebook can really capture the attention of a user. These stand out more than regular posted links or status updates. Pictures can be colorful, and captivating and convey a lot of message and meaning in a quick flash of time.

Understanding that pictures are easy to digest, Leneys, a women’s fashion apparel company, regularly posts pictures of multiple photos and asks their followers to tag their favorite.

This simple photo-centric tactic generates a ton of attention by way of comments, likes, and shares. At the same time, their fans are happy to have their friends interact with the company.

3. Facebook Contests

Conducting contests on Facebook is another surefire way to boost engagement on the social media platform – not only are you rewarding loyal followers, but you generate excitement and lots of attention when users eagerly check your Facebook page to see if they have won.

Several kinds of contests exist. Social media promotions company Binkd, for instance, allows business owners on Facebook to create sweepstakes contests or even gaming-style contests that increase engagement.

Keep in mind that you can design a contest depending on the reaction you want from your audience. A “vote to win” contest is good at generating likes, but not as many comments. The gaming-style contests, in turn, would have users engage with lots of comments.

Day Translations, a human translation services company, for example, created a “create your own word” campaign that appealed to its audience of fans and followers who are passionate about languages. Its aim was to advertise its range of services, which span from localization to professional transcription services, but allow its followers to have fun in the process, which is always key to generating interaction and engagement.

4. Crowdsourcing

One way to encourage interaction is to allow your fans to help others by looking for advice and tips on a topic related to your company. This would be an easy way to generate answers to the questions asked on your company wall.

Popular Facebook page Natural Parenting Tips regularly updates its page with fan questions. By doing so, the site is encouraging its followers to provide tips and suggestions to others and thereby create a useful page of information.

5. Call to Actions

Perfecting the craft of writing compelling calls to action in your posts is a good way to get your audience to respond the way your company wants it to.

Companies starting out on Facebook for the first time often don’t know how to do this. Giving your audience psychological nudges promotes greater interaction and response when they are given instructions as to what they can do next.

Ask yourself before writing every post: what do you want your followers to do? Are you looking for comments? Likes? Shares?

Deli chain Subway is a good model to follow if you want to pick up the art of how to write a call to action.


Denise Recalde is a Senior Content Writer at Day Translations, a professional translation services company. A seasoned writer and editor with eleven years of experience under her belt, she is a bonafide wordsmith who loves playing with the written word creatively and always takes care to lend a certain hue of snap and color to her drafts. Always one to rise up to challenges, she has traveled to 14 countries and has worked on a smorgasbord of writing projects that spanned several industries, from finance to health to beauty and fashion.

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