700 migrants set to land in southern Italy Monday

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Most people are busy getting their Christmas cards in the mail with the holidays right around the corner. If you are also planning a wedding or have just been married, you may have wedding news you want to share with several people as well. In some cases, it is possible to kill two birds with one stone by combining your wedding news and season’s greetings into one card. Learn the best way to do it here.

Combining a save the date with a holiday card can not only be practical but fun. If you are planning to get married in the summer, the winter months are an ideal time to get out the advance notice, so why not do it at the same time you send your holiday cards? One idea is to send a standard greeting card and insert a magnet to save the date details into the same envelope. This works very well because if you send Christmas cards to anyone who will not be on the wedding guest list, all you have to do is omit the save the date magnet from their envelope. The magnet is a great idea because it will be different enough from the cardstock to not get overlooked when the card is opened.

700 migrants set to land in southern Italy Monday 1

If you plan to invite everyone on your holiday card list to your wedding (or do not mind making two separate Christmas cards), it would be super fun to make a customized holiday card that was also a save the date. This idea would also work just as well for an engagement announcement. One couple I knew made a pair of snowmen and stretched a banner between them that said: “We’re engaged!”. The snowmen’s picture was printed on their holiday cards with their names and served as an adorable holiday/engagement announcement.

Many families still send out a long letter as part of their holiday mailings, and there is the question of whether or not to include a mention of the engagement in the family news. There are two schools of thought on that question. Some people feel that it would be rude to announce an engagement in a general letter if not everyone receiving one will also be invited to the wedding. On the other hand, an engagement is a big news in a family, so it would be rather strange to omit such an important highlight of the year. The best advice is that if the bride or groom’s family decides to include the engagement news, it should be just a couple of lines within a longer letter of general news. Few people will take that as the promise of a forthcoming wedding invitation.

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