What Are the Best Ways To Troubleshoot Your Mac?

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Macs are renowned for their reliability, but occasionally even the best computers can develop problems. When issues arise, you can take some simple steps to fix many of the most common problems. Here are a few tips for troubleshooting your Mac.

Check for Updates

The first step is to verify that every part of your system is up to date. Many of your operating system components and your apps may not function properly if you haven’t downloaded the latest update for that component. Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner of your screen, then click App Store and check the updates tab. Vlogger Faire

Run a Virus Scan

Next, run a virus scan to see if anything malicious has made it into your system. It’s a common misconception that Macs can’t get viruses, but they actually can. Ensure the built-in virus and malware protection from Apple is automatically updating by going to System Preferences and opening the App Store tab. You can also run a third-party virus scanner.


Repair Disk Permissions

Disk permission may not be familiar to most users, but permissions issues can cause your system to behave strangely. Fixing them is easy, however, even if you don’t know what they are. Click on the Applications icon in the Dock at the bottom of the screen, click on Utilities and open the Disk Utility application. Click the Verify Disk Permissions button and then the Repair Disk Permissions button if it appears.

If you’re still having problems after following these steps, talk to one of our Mac experts here at MelroseINC. Typing “computer repair services near me” into Google might not lead you to the high-quality service you’re looking for. At MelroseINC, our team of Apple-certified technicians can perform expert troubleshooting, professional Mac repair, and IT services for individual or business clients. Contact us today to learn more.

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