Understanding the Types of Shower System and which is Suitable for Your Home

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As one concerned about comfort and wellness, it is typical for you to be selective about what type of shower system would suit your home. Showers have left the era of the hang-on-the-wall-and-pour. They now offer essence to comfort, safety, and energy conservation. Hence, the types of batteries include electric, power, mix, thermostatic, etc. It is important to understand them so you can choose which is best for your home.

Shower Cubicle

Shower Cubicles are fancy and beautiful. Though common, words cannot be exhausted about how amazing they are. They come in different sizes, colors, light designs, shapes, etc. You can choose a shower cubicle for your house, and you can incorporate any other type of system you want within it. You can choose classical drainage systems. A booth is only awesome when you do it the favor of having a waterfall showerhead. Choosing an LED waterfall showerhead gets more beautiful, lit, and relaxing.

Electric Showers

Electric Shower is an electric setup connected to the main water inlet. It contains a heating element that heats up the water as it flows (usually momentarily stored) through the form. To install an electric shower, your house must have a minimum water-running pressure of 1 bar and static pressure of 10 bar, max.


A mixer shower has a unit that mixes hot and cold water through a special valve before it is supplied to the showerhead. They can be either surface mounted or flush-mounted. A mixer is suitable for both low and high pressures. However, you will do well to check the manufacturer’s instructions. A mixer receives feed from cold and hot water sources; it only blends. To be effective in its operation, it is ideal that hot and cold water enters the unit at the same pressure.

Thermostatic Mixers

Thermostatic Mixers are advanced. They mix cold and hot water at a specific temperature. They regulate the water temperature by shutting off a source with more quantity than is needed. They are often pre-set before they mix.

Digital Showers

A shower of this type has a control panel set within the bath area not farther than 10 meters from the rain. The settings on the board are communicated to the battery, which gives corresponding actions. It basically adjusts the flow and temperature of the water. New and modern designs, in fact, incorporate Amazon’s Alexa for easy user control. We have aspirations about the shower experience we want; hence, we choose our shower according to this delight. To be sure that this delight is a perfect fit for your home, you must understand your water system. Gravity System: a water supply system where cold water is fed from an overhead tank. This is usually higher than a hot water compartment. The greater the distance between the cold water tank and the showerhead, the greater the water pressure.

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