Wildlife Control – Health Risks of Wildlife Invasion in Homes

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Wildlife control can refer to the process of selective removal or control of wild animals, pests, or insects, that are destructive presences on your property and have a chance of destroying your property or introducing disease into your home. Wildlife can often be seen as a threat to the family’s health and safety, along with the safety of the property. Thus, wildlife control will allow you to ensure that your home and your family remain safe, even with the threat of wildlife within the area. Wildlife control can also be referred to as nuisance wildlife management and ensure that the area’s wildlife does not remain threatening to any human beings within the area.

Most wildlife that tends to act as a nuisance include squirrels, rats, mice, raccoons, pigeons, skunks, and bats. These animals pose a threat to human health and safety because they carry diseases and spread infections, along with other pests like lice and bacteria. Thus, finding an animal like a raccoon or a skunk in your home can be detrimental to your family’s health because of the diseases the animal may be carrying.

Raccoons are known to carry rabies, roundworm, and salmonella. Rabies is a deadly disease spread through the saliva, meaning that the bite of the animal is infectious. Though there is the treatment for rabies, the disease has deadly symptoms and can potentially be highly dangerous, especially if treatment is not received on time. On the other hand, Salmonella is a bacterium that causes food poisoning in human beings and can be transmitted by eating contaminated foods. So it is recommended to keep the kitchen clean of any form of wildlife or pests to ensure that you stay safe.

Squirrels and skunks are also seen to be threats to the home’s security because squirrels are known to be carriers of zoonotic diseases – diseases that can be spread from animals to people. Furthermore, squirrel excreta can contain salmonella, giving rise to food poisoning. Though skunks may not carry many diseases, they are unpleasant because of their burrowing and feeding nature. Their dwelling in dark spaces can result in skunks living in basements and garages and can disrupt your daily activities.


Rats are notorious for carrying diseases – indeed, rats were the reason the bubonic plague was widespread in Europe, resulting in millions’ deaths. Rats can transmit other diseases, including rat-bite fever and eosinophilic meningitis, which affects the brain.

AAA Sande Wildlife Control is a family-owned and operated company in Toronto, Canada, and has provided its services to the community for over fifteen years. The staff is fully trained in understanding all types of animal control and ensure that the wildlife found in your home are treated with care. Along with providing humane treatment to the wildlife, they ensure that the animal, or pest, is removed as quickly and as efficiently as possible, causing the least amount of distress to the animal and your family members.

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