What is the eligibility, fees & duration for doing a PMP Certification?

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If you are a proficient Manager of any organization and looking to increase your credibility, then a PMP certification is all you need. PMP is a world-renowned certification, having global credibility, which is independent of the industry and location. PMP certification increases your earning potential and skills to make you precious to your Employer.

What is the eligibility, fees & duration for doing a PMP Certification? 1

PMP Certification Eligibility:

There is an eligibility criterion, that must be met before applying for a PMP Certificate. When you submit your application on the PMI online portal, you must have cleared the criteria as the applications are put to random Audits.

Following is the PMP certification eligibility you should comply with:

1) Academic Eligibility:

The applicant must have completed a four-year degree course or secondary Diploma course. You will need to provide the details like passing year, Institute name, and the passed course details.

2) Project Management Eligibility:

You must have project management of 3 years in case you hold a degree and 5 years in case you hold a diploma. These years should be part of the last 8 years of your career, and these years should be non-overlapping and cumulative.

3) Project management Educational Eligibility:

Every organization holds internal or external training for professionals. You must have completed 35 hours of professional management training. The course module should have covered project initiation, project planning, project execution, and project delivery.


Note: Be sure that the details you provide to meet eligibility criteria are genuine and accurate. If any inaccurate information is found, you might be deemed ineligible for PMP for the entire lifetime.

Application Review Process

PMI takes 5 business days to review your application completely. After the application is accepted, you must pay the fee and schedule your exam date.

PMP Certification Cost:

A certification fee has to be paid to sit for the examination. If you are a PMI member, you can save some amount on your exam fee.

To become a PMI member, you need to pay a fee of $139. When you become a member, you just pay $405 for the PMP exam, while a non-member has to pay $555 for the same examination.

In case you have to retake the PMP exam, you may pay $275 as a PMI member and $375 as a non-member.

You can pay the fee by credit card, check, money order, or Wire transfer. If you cannot take the exam due to some unavoidable situations, you must ask for a refund 30 days before your exam date. A penalty of $100 will be deducted from your paid fee. If you do not sit for the exam without notification to PMI and consent from PMI, you will not get the fee refund.

The PMP certification cost paid is eligible only for a year. In case you do not sit for the exam within the year of paying the price, you can neither sit for the exam for the same fee nor will your fee be refunded.

Important Note: If you have been a PMI member for a long you can save the dollars, but in case you just applied for the membership, make sure you wait and pay the fee till you receive membership status.

PMP Duration or Certificate’s Validity:

You will be issued a PMP certificate on clearing the PMP examination. Some noteworthy points about the validity of this certificate are:

  • This certificate is valid for three years.
  • In those three years, you need to keep brushing your skills through the CCR program. In case you fail to do so, the certificate is deemed invalid after three years.
  • You need to earn 60 PDUs (Professional development units) to renew your PMP certificate after 3 years.
  • If you fail to earn 60 PDUs, your PMP will be suspended for a year, after which it will be invalid.

Project management Certification helps you achieve the highest earning and learning goals as a project manager. So if you are thinking of taking this test, just prepare and go for it.

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