How To Meet The Contractor License VA Requirements Through Its Online Courses?

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The contractor license in Virginia is crucial if you are planning to run a contractor business here. However, there are specific requirements to fulfill the same. It can be completed through online courses.

This contractor license VA online courses help you upgrade your CE or continuing education hours. To know more, continue to read this blog.

Online Courses: What Modern Students Want - eLearning Industry

Choose a proper learning and educational center online:

There are multiple centers opened off-lately online. But it’s best to trust the ones approved by the Virginia government. Check the same from the Virginia government website for contractors’ license information. You can find many new centers that are online and registered near your location; otherwise.

Check the prices of different courses online:

Before filling the requirement of CE or continuing education hours, you have to check the budget. Multiple schools are offering the same course at different prices.

Choose that school, like, which is affordable and understands your pre-licenses training needs.

After browsing, we have seen that this school offers multiple courses. We will be talking about some of them later on. These courses fulfill different types of pre-license training needs for the VA contractors’ license.

Besides that, knowing the price is essential. You can compare the same type of courses from different websites. Then, see which one is offering you the best price as per your spending power or limit.

You can then continue to apply for the course and start taking the necessary lessons to complete the CE hours.

Know which course you must opt for:

When you browse the online pre-license courses, there is no end to it. You might feel overwhelmed initially.

However, if you know which class of contractor in Virginia you want to be categorized for, the task of choosing the course becomes more effortless.

So, check some of the courses available online from a school called You will get similar studies online if you search for yourself. For saving time, read the brief of those courses below.

8 Hours Of VA Business License Course For Class C:

This is one of the best courses for those belonging to class C, the smallest group of contractors amongst the three: A, B, and C.

You will learn the necessary perspective of being a contractor in Virginia from this course. It is one of the top-selling courses by those who want to work as a single contractor in Virginia.

8 Hours VA Business License Deluxe Course For Class A/B:

This course will fulfill your requirement for classes A and B. It is also for 8 hours. From this course, you will become more professional in handling mid-sized and large-sized construction contracts in Virginia.

There is a main book that educators provide in this course for learning the different aspects of VA licensed contractors of Class A or B.

From this course, you will get a lot of reference leads to study. So, you can opt for this course if you are a seasoned businessman/woman and want to grow your business to the next class or level in Virginia.

Otherwise, this subject teaches you several topics in 8 hours, like:

  • Virginia portion – the rules and regulations
  • General portion – general information about class A and B construction projects
  • Advanced portion – be one step advanced in handling complex construction projects in the state.
  • Links for reading advanced books.
  • Comprehensive knowledge about upcoming Class A and B exams.

This will prepare you for all the tests and exams to be passed by you. After contractor license VA exams, you get the right contractor license.

Though, this course is quite costly. But it is also helpful in fulfilling the necessary CE hours for classes A and B.

8 Hours Basic Knowledge On Class A And B:

This is a toned-down version of the previous course. This is where the educators focus on preparing you for the main business license exam. They wouldn’t push you to buy the advanced books for construction projects in Virginia.

It’s totally up to you. They do provide you the links for free and paid versions of different resources like reading material.

This course is slightly cheaper than the previous one. However, it still helps you in completing 8 hours of CE. So, if funding is a problem right now, you can opt for this course instead of the one mentioned we explained previously.

8 hours VA Residential Building Contractor (RBC) Deluxe Course:

This is the perfect course if you have any plans to become an RBC. However, the deluxe one is quite costly. So, you can always check the website for other toned-down versions of the same course.

This course has 17 real-life puzzles, helping you to prepare for the individual’s RBC exams. It also has a pre-test. This is no better than a mock test. It enables you to be familiar with the terms and conditions and patterns of the final license and contractor exam in Virginia. This course also provides you enough reading material that you will receive after 3-5 days of applying for the same.

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