How To Build A Successful Online Business For Under $1000

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Have you always been dreaming of starting an online business but keep putting it off? Perhaps you worry about the initial investment? If so, you should be aware that it doesn’t take much to get started. A website and a marketing system can often be developed for under $1000. A lot of the work can be outsourced to other people, so the time commitment isn’t too steep.

Get A Logo Designed — $5

Your business will need a logo, and you can get one done for as little as $5. Check out This online marketplace has users selling services for, you guessed it, $5. Among them, you will find a host of logo developers. Ideally, you would want to spend a bit more than $5. Consider hiring two or three designers to make a logo and then select the one you like best.

Get A Domain And Host — $100-$200

Domain and hosting prices will vary, but typically you can get a domain for around $20 and years hosting for $80. If you want to select a business plan with extra features, then you may need to pay closer to $200 all up for a year.


Hire A Site Developer — $200

You want your business’s site to look sharp, so visitors don’t instantly hit the “back” button. Consider hiring a professional designer. Typically a nice design can be had for around $200. The most affordable option is to outsource the work online. Simply uses Google to bring up an abundance of companies offering these services.

Get SEO Content to Rank In Search Engines — $300

You need your business to rank well in search engines. Having a site that resembles a ghost town is the wrong way to go. You want a lot of quality content that will attract readers and help convert sales. The good thing is that there are many writing professionals available. A 1000 word article typically costs $10-$40, depending on quality. Investing a few hundred dollars should be enough to give your site a basic foundation. You can get landing pages, blog articles, and SEO articles written to help increase your site’s visibility.

Keep Up With The Latest Technology And Financial News — Free

To make sure your business is successful, you need to stay updated with the rapidly changing market. The latest financial and technology info is key to achieving this. Make sure you view the story on an informative news site.

Develop A Social Media Following — Free

Social media accounts are free, so it’s important to set them up for your business. Facebook is number one, but don’t forget about Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You could even consider your own YouTube channel. Once the accounts are set up, you will need to check them daily.

Final Thoughts

It’s easier than you thought to get your online business off the ground. By investing your dollars wisely, you can have a professional-looking site developed for you. Therefore, you should stop procrastinating and put your plans into action.

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