HCL Tech – Updates on Proposed Composite Scheme of Arrangement and Amalgamation

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Innovation- Leaders and companies who are innovators have the highest amount of creativity, energy, and desire to learn and grow. Innovation means putting things together in ways that haven’t been thought of before. Google goggle is a great example of putting together goggles with blue teeth and interacting with your smartphone through your goggles. This innovation makes it easy to update social media, connect with people, get directions, share experiences, and more.

HCL Tech - Updates on Proposed Composite Scheme of Arrangement and Amalgamation 1

Innovation looks different depending on the industry, and there are many stories of innovative solutions. For example, in the agriculture industry, they found an innovative solution to tractor safety; they developed a new technology that allows tractors to be viewed or remotely driven via remote users. The same technology can automatically shut down a tractor if driven by a driver who falls asleep. In today’s reality, innovation is easier than ever before because of technology. The key is having more leaders who are thinking innovation and who are challenging and rewarding their teams to innovate.


These trends are more prevalent than before and are creating both challenges and opportunities for leaders. The opportunity is to embrace the trends, immerse yourself in learning to be in line with the trends, and leading others to do the same.

“This is similar to our communications at the proposed Composite Scheme of Arrangement and Amalgamation (“Scheme”) among Geometric Limited (“the Demerged Company/ Transferor Company”), HCL Technologies Limited (“Transferee Company No. 1”) and 3D PLM Software Solutions Limited (“Transferee Company No. 2”) and their respective shareholders and creditors under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, study with different provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies Act, 2013 as relevant.

We would like to tell you that the Hon�ble High Court of Delhi has sanctioned the Scheme vide its Order dated January 18, 2017. A copy of the stated Order downloaded from the High Court of Delhi’s internet site is enclosed. The crowning glory of the Scheme is difficult to sure conditions precedent for which the important steps are being taken” t is time to embrace the technology trend to the next level – what does that mean for you? Think about it, embrace the willingness to learn, and then do it. Fast change- the pace of change is not slowing down any time soon; along with technological advances, the speed of change is inevitable. This trend means that we as leaders need to be more adaptable, resourceful, and proactive with our change responses. This means moving right on past the fear/immobilization and right into discovery, creativity, and future focus.

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