How to Hire Your First Employees

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Hiring your first employees will be a big deal for your business. Much blood, sweat, and tears will have resulted in your business’s growth, so it can be a relief to know you will soon have assistance to help improve your productivity and profitability. However, there are many things you must consider before you take on new staff members. Read how to hire your first employees.

Undertake Applicant Background Checks

It goes without saying that you will want to hire the best candidate for the advertised position. However, you must look beyond their talent and experience. For instance, you must embark on applicant background checks to ensure they have the right to work in the country. You should also carry out further checks to ensure their academic and professional background complements their resume. If they have any criminal history, you must be aware of it before giving them the role.

Send a Statement of Employment

Do you plan to hire a member of staff for one month or more? If so, you must send a written statement of employment to your new employee. The document should detail the terms and conditions of the employment, and it should be provided to a member of staff within two months of working for the business.


Find an Affordable Payroll System

All companies must provide their employees with a pay stub, which will detail their income, tax, social security, and pension deductions and contributions. Many new companies often fail to consider a payroll system until the time comes to pay their staff and quickly settle for the first option they find, regardless of its features and pricing. Give yourself a head start by finding the best free printable pay stubs online.

Create a Contract of Employment

In addition to providing your new employees with a statement of employment, you must also provide permanent staff members with a contract of employment. This must outline the employees’ responsibilities, rights, and working conditions, so an employee will know what to expect from the business and what the business expects from them each day.

Review Health and Safety

Every business owner across the country has a legal responsibility to care for their staff’s health and safety on site. Therefore, it is important to provide your employees with a safe, clean space to work each day, and you should assess any potential risks onsite to maintain their well-being. You should also provide fire exit training to ensure staff members know the safest way to leave a building in the event of a fire or emergency.

Identify Your Legal Requirements

Different industries will have different legal responsibilities. For example, a construction firm’s essential to identify both the legal requirements for running your business, such as employment laws, contracts, and tax obligations. You will also need to adhere to minimum wage requirements and legally fire a member of staff. You can then run the company safe in the knowledge that you are adhering to your legal requirements.

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