You are looking for promotional items? You have already reviewed several dozen pages and catalogs and have not found any promotional products or inspiration yet? Then we have just the thing for you: 7 tricks on how to choose the best advertising materials guaranteed in a flood of different giveaways.
1. Marketing strategy – the “why.”
Everything starts in the marketing department: marketing measures are researched, proposed against each other, and selected. The existing budget is determined. Research is primarily concerned with the cost factor and efficiency of promotional products as a marketing tool. At this point, the decision is made for or against the use of giveaways. Here it happens more frequently than companies choose the use of the advertising material. No wonder they convey appreciation, sympathy, respect, and, if necessary. After all, gifts are one of the most positive “burdened” means of communication of our time. So far the customized gifts are concerned, you will get the best deals for the same now.
At this point begins the detailed research of influencing factors and, at the same time, the search for ideas for Giveaways. Whether you want to choose your advertising material based on elaborated criteria or whether you already have ideas and inspirations for specific promotional items: the result has to be efficient and profitable. Consider the following factors; if you choose your advertising material, you get the desired result:
2. occasion – the “when.”
It is decided whether the advertising media should be used permanently or on a specific occasion. It’s worth thinking about in the decision-making phase when setting the budget for the promotional items. Finally, as the number of units increases, so does the volume discount? Time also plays an important role here: If you order “at the last minute,” the price can clearly be felt. Here is: Dear plan in advance, as in retrospect, pay attention.
The specified occasion also affects your promotional products’ later design: If you want to use customer gifts more than just in a certain moment, you should, for example, do without data or similar perishable times. Only then will your ad media remain timeless and can be used on different occasions and dates. The gift mouse is important in other options also.
3. Target group – the “whom.”
Now it helps to find out to your clientele which type of advertising material is suitable for you. Record your initial selection and exclusion criteria, collect them; get your first ideas and suggestions.
4th price range – the “how much.”
There are several aspects to the price range you choose your advertising material: the approved budget, the size of the planned use of the promotional items, and your image.